Discover what sets us apart

See why Fresno, CA area residents rely on our tree company

When you need professional tree services, you don't want just anyone working on your property. You want a seasoned expert who has the knowledge needed to do the job right. You can depend on our local tree company because:

We have years of experience
We're licensed and insured
We offer free estimates

We Do Our Part to Prevent Fires

Ask us about our hazardous tree and brush removal services

Looking for a Local Tree Company in Fresno, CA?

Gr8t Tree Service is here for you

You have more important things to do than worry about troublesome trees. Why not let the pros at Gr8t Tree Service handle your hazardous tree removal services, so you can sit back and relax?

Our local tree company in Fresno, CA can handle all kinds of professional tree services. Come to us if you need:

Whether you're a homeowner or a business owner, we have all of your tree care needs covered. Call 559-815-8012 now for more information.